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MassChallenge Startup UnPanel

MassChallenge UnPanel EventI am a big fan and supporter of the UnConference concept, especially as exemplified by the many and multiplying PodCamps in the world today.

So I'm pleased to see that the format is being applied in other ways, too, such as at the MassChallenge UnPanel in Fall River, MA, March 3.

Aimed at entrepreneurial types and those involved in the startup space, the event promises to offer a refreshing alternative to the pre-packaged panels one encounters so often of close-but-not-quite the people you wish you could listen to for an hour.

From the MassChallenge description:

Experienced entrepreneurs are available for group discussions (max 10 people/table)

You select the panelist/topic that matches your interests

You sign up for three 20 minute discussions

Following the UnPanel, chat with panelists and attendees

MassChallenge, if you're curious, is a global gathering and competition for startups and innovative businesses.

In their own words, they are:

"...using a combination of public and private funds to catalyze growth and jobs by launching the worlds largest global startup competition in Massachusetts. The competition is industry and geography agnostic -- anyone can enter, with any startup idea, from anywhere on the planet.Every entrant will receive access to training, mentors, executives, other team members and sources of funding. Experts from the Massachusetts ecosystem will identify the highest potential startups, which will receive cash prizes and will qualify for privileged access to funding sources from across Massachusetts and New England."

Sounds like a blast to me -- what do you think? Will you go?